Model Good Problem Solving

42-15650393In junior high or high school science we were all taught these steps in problem solving.  Some of us still don’t consistently apply it.

• Identify the Problem

• Identify Possible Causes

• Identify Possible Solutions

• Identify the Best Solution.

• Set Specific Goals to Solve Problems.

Children learn by example: how YOU react to problems, and how YOU solve problems. . .impacts how YOUR CHILD will solve problems.

I urge you to make a POSITIVE impact: whenever you have a problem, try talking through it out loud so your child can hear your thoughts.  See an example here.

Need help addressing your child/teen’s needs?  Call 817.421.8780 to learn about our research-proven counseling techniques.


Excerpt from LD Kids Can! ©1993, Monte Davenport

(c) 2009- 2012, Monte W. Davenport, Ph.D.

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