Goal Setting 101: Identifying What You Want in Life

j0202184Oftentimes, children (and adults) fail to achieve their goals because their goals are unclear and unrealistic.  By thinking about her talents and those abilities she wants to develop, your child can better clarify her goals.  The first step in identifying realistic goals involves making a list of what she wants to do with her talents or what abilities she wants to develop.  Use these mind-joggers to get started:

In school, I want to…

In my family, I wish…

I want my friendships to be…

In sports, I want to achieve…

I want to save my money for…

During the next year, I want to…

Have your child set her imagination free and write down whatever she wants to achieve.

Let this list sit for at least 24 hours before moving on to the next step in the next post.

Need help addressing your child/teen’s needs?  Call 817.421.8780 to learn about our research-proven counseling techniques.


Adapted from LD Kids Can! ©1993, Monte Davenport,  Excerpt from the I Can! Achievers Course ©1989 used with written permission of the publisher.

(c) 2009- 2012, Monte W. Davenport, Ph.D.


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