Goal Setting 102: Clarifying Goals

42-16279106Once your child has identified what she wants to achieve, it is time to sort out the realistic goals from the rest.  Have her answer these questions from her list of “wants.”

  1. Is it really my goal or is this goal what someone else wants me to achieve?
  2. Is it fair to everyone else?
  3. Is it consistent with my talents and/or those abilities I want to develop?
  4. Can I commit myself to start and reach this goal?
  5. Can I see myself actually reaching this goal?

If she can answer “Yes!” to each of these questions, then she has a realistic goal!

The last question is especially important: she must be able to imagine actually reaching the goal in order for the goal to become a reality.

Need help addressing your child/teen’s needs?  Call 817.421.8780 to learn about our research-proven counseling techniques.


Adapted from LD Kids Can! ©1993, Monte Davenport,  Excerpt from the I Can! Achievers Course ©1989 used with written permission of the publisher.

(c) 2009- 2012, Monte W. Davenport, Ph.D.

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