WANTED!: A Full and Rewarding Life

In the old West, when someone was wanted, they put his picture, details about him, and details about the reward for finding him on a “Wanted Poster.”  Using her goals, you and your child can make a different kind of “Wanted Poster.”

  1. Get a large poster board and write “WANTED” at the top.
  2. Find pictures, phrases, and/or slogans that show her goals.
  3. Carefully glue these items to the wanted poster.
  4. Label each illustration for each of her goals.
  5. At the bottom of the poster, write these words: “REWARD: A FULL AND FUN LIFE!”

Put this wanted poster up where your child can see it every day and be reminded of her goals and the rewards for reaching her goals.

Need help addressing your child/teen’s needs?  Call 817.421.8780 to learn about our research-proven counseling techniques.


Adapted from LD Kids Can! ©1993, Monte Davenport,  Excerpt from the I Can! Achievers Course ©1989 used with written permission of the publisher.

(c) 2009- 2012, Monte W. Davenport, Ph.D.


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