Four Structured Steps to Planning Better Paragraphs

Once your child can write variety of sentences, you can start to help her learn how to plan paragraphs by organizing ideas into a logical sequence.  By providing a structured, step-by-step approach to this task, you help your child stay focused on the task at hand.

First, generate ideas by making a list. 

Ideas for possible lists include:

  • Things to do at Six Flags
  • Possible summer jobs
  • Reasons chocolate is good for you
  • Excuses for not doing assignments

Second, use the ideas listed to write three (or more) supporting sentences for a main idea.

Reasons chocolate is good for you:




Next, write a good concluding sentence. 

The concluding sentence can summarize, make a request for action, or give an opinion.  In our example, the concluding sentence could be one of the following:

  •  I eat chocolate everyday!
  • You should eat more chocolate.
  • I think chocolate should be a major food group.

Finally, compose the topic sentence.

This step is last because it involves a higher level of thinking.  The topic sentence should attempt to get the reader’s attention so he or she wants to read more.  In our example, we might use one of the following topic sentences:

  •  Scientists have discovered chocolate can improve our health.
  • Did you know chocolate is good for you?
  • Moms, do you know chocolate can improve your child’s health?

 You have a plan for a paragraph! In the next post, we’ll pull it all together into a paragraph.

In the meantime, I’m going to get some chocolate!



Need help applying these concepts?  Call 817.421.8780 to learn about Student Success!

(c) 2009- 2012, Monte W. Davenport, Ph.D.


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  1. Flexible Structuring for Written Expression « Flexiture for ADD / ADHD - January 26, 2010

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