Flexible Structuring for Written Expression

Children with attention and executive skill challenges often have these written expression difficulties:

  •  Spelling errors are mostly phonetic
  • “Over-applies” spelling rules recently learned
  • Transition words are used rarely or inconsistently.
  • Verb tense and noun tense is inconsistent.
  • May use few or incorrect modifiers
  • Poor organization limits expression of creative ideas

Children with attention challenges benefit from a structured and flexible approach

 1.    Use technology to help your child prepare written work.  Being able to access a computer at school and home for written assignments will allow the support of word processing programs, spell-check, and semantic mapping software.    Most children with attention disorders benefit from completing written class work and homework on a computer.  The use of computer technology has the potential to increase the quality of their written work. Consider the Parents Guide to Assistive Technology by Marshall H. Raskind, Ph.D. for specific recommendations.

2.    Consider teaching your student the structure of the English language as it relates to written expression using the structured teaching tools:

3.    Consider recommendations for accommodating the written expression challenges most often associated with attention disorders. 

(c) 2010, flexiture, monte w. davenport, ph.d.

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4 Comments on “Flexible Structuring for Written Expression”

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