Ten Tips for a Good Home Study Environment

The home study environment can make or break homework time.  Consider these ideas parents and teachers have shared with me over the years:

  1.  Just like your parents told you when you were a kid, “Good lighting is important!”
  2. In most cases, the bed is a not a good place to study.
  3. If possible your child should have a desk or some other expanded flat area.
  4. Keep distracting pets and siblings away when it is time to study.
  5. Consider turning off all phones during study time.
  6. Some kids need the white noise of a fan in the background to help them be less distracted.
  7. Music without words playing in the background is alright as long as your child doesn’t play air guitar or act like he’s the orchestra conductor.
  8. It is best for your child to study in the same place every day.
  9. All family members should know when a child is studying and that she is not to be disturbed.
  10. Allow your child to participate in making reasonable decisions about the study environment so she takes “ownership” of it.

Need help applying these concepts?  Call 817.421.8780 to learn about Student Success!

© 2009, flexiture, monte w. davenport, ph.d

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3 Comments on “Ten Tips for a Good Home Study Environment”

  1. Field Turf January 27, 2010 at 2:11 pm #

    Great information, Thank you so much… keep up the great work.

  2. Self Esteem January 29, 2010 at 10:18 pm #

    Great post! Thank you so much for all you do, i’ll keep reading.


  1. How are Study Skills like a Pizza Cutter? « Flexiture for ADD / ADHD - January 10, 2010

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