How Can I Help My ADHD Child or Student Learn?

Researchers at the Brain and Behavior Center in Toronto have found that children with ADHD struggle with learning in very specific ways and they require very specific types of remediation. 

Based on current research, the child or teen with ADHD benefits most from an education plan that addresses two specific needs: structuring and flexibility.

(1) Structuring aimed at helping her build her own internal structured approach to problem solving.  She can benefit from explicit instruction and auxiliary aides used to help her develop a structured approach to completing complex academic tasks that require optimal attention, consistent mental effort, and constant self-monitoring, including:

By developing a structured approach to problem solving as suggested in these articles, the child’s inattention, inconsistent mental energy, and variable self monitoring can no longer hamper successful completion of multi-layered complex academic tasks that align with her strong intellect and potential.

(2) Flexibility of accommodations for the specific weaknesses associated with the individual child’s attention difficulties.  As the child with attention difficulties is developing her own internal structure for completing multifaceted tasks, she will benefit from accommodations to support her weak attention.  Parents and educators are urged to consider the classroom accommodations suggested on this site as they collaborate to meet her needs.  Parents of children who attend public school should consider formalizing accommodations through either section 504 or special education.

  (c) October 2009, monte w.davenport, ph.d.


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