ADD/ADHD and Language

Researchers at the ADHD Cognition Centre in Toronto have identified a number of spoken language difficulties directly related to ADD/ADHD.

Weaknesses in Pragmatic(Social) Language

  • Blurting out answers in class
  • Interrupting others
  • Talking excessively when it is inappropriate
  • Often highly verbose: they speak for much longer at a stretch, and with many brief pauses.
  • Within-turn pauses are too short to permit thought, organization of information, or planning.
  • Within-turn pauses are too short to permit others interceding or being able to take a turn.

Problems with Voice Modulation

  • Often speaks much louder than social norms and fail to modulate their voice volume.
  • It may appear that these children are being rude or “in your face.”
  • These problems likely reflect an immature motor system, which is involved in the fine muscle adjustments involved in voice modulation.

Weaknesses in Higher-level Language

  • Problems comprehending inferences
  • Trouble identifying errors in instructions
  • Difficulty monitoring comprehension of orally presented information
  • Challenges comprehending information in science textbooks
  • Problems comprehending cause-effect relationships
  • Trouble elaborating verbally on their ideas
  • Problems making clear explanations on request
  • Difficulty answering questions concisely using specific vocabulary

For more information regarding the language and learning difficulties of children with ADD/ADHD, you are encouraged to consider the following research-based articles from the ADHD Cognition Centre in Toronto:

Rethinking ADHD from a Cognitive Perspective

Rethinking ADHD in the Classroom

Need help identifying your child/teen’s needs?  Call 817.421.8780 to learn about assessments.

(c) 2009- 2012, Monte W. Davenport, Ph.D.

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