Executive…What? These Functional Abilities Shed Light on Daily ADHD Challenges!

Check out my updated thinking on executive functioning!

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During the past decade, brain researchers have identified a set of abilities that help us manage our time, energy, resources, and talents: these skills are called “executive functions.” The word “executive” comes from the word “execute” or to do. In other words, these are the skills that help us to successfully get things done.

The good news is that weaknesses in these executive skills can be addressed! Read on to learn more.

Many have compared the executive functions to the CEO of a company: these skills help us efficiently and effectively manage all our other abilities. Over the years, researchers have identified specific cognitive processes that are necessary to successfully execute daily tasks. Each child, teen, and adult may have a unique set of executive skill strengths and weaknesses. Understanding your and your child/teen’s specific executive skill strengths and needs can help you better understand how to help.

Internationally known…

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