Ten Tips for a Good Home Study Environment

The home study environment can make or break homework time.  Consider these ideas parents and teachers have shared with me over the years:  Just like your parents told you when you were a kid, “Good lighting is important!” In most cases, the bed is a not a good place to study. If possible your child […]

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Eight Tips for Answering Multiple Choice Test Questions

On multiple choice questions, you are supposed to select the “best” choice among a set of four options. (1)  Understand Multiple Choice Questions Multiple choice questions are incomplete statements that you finish by choosing one of four answers. StemThe wallsof granite around the lakes in Iowa were formed by: Options:      a.       American Indians b.       three […]

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Eleven Keys to Answering to Essay Questions

Essay questions require a clear and complete answer followed by concise supporting statements.  Some students struggle to provide a clear answer while others fail to give enough support for their answer.  To avoid these pitfalls, try these suggestions. Understand the Question.  It is important to know exactly what the teacher wants: read carefully so you can […]

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Five Tips for Answering True-False Test Questions

These five tips for answering true-false questions are easy to learn and implement. (1) Understand True-False Questions A true-false question is a statement that states some facts about a person, place, or thing.  Few true-false questions are written simply: they often include “traps” so read carefully! (2) Watch out for Qualifiers Qualifiers are words that […]

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Five Thoughts about Cramming (PG*)

 *Parental Guidance is suggested: You know best what to share with your child. Older students often procrastinate and then cram at the last-minute.  As a result, very little learning takes place.   Although cramming is never a good strategy, and I’m sure none of your children would ever do this, I’m told it happens. Here are […]

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An Active Test Prep Plan

Active test preparation is important to help not only raise your grades but also raise your confidence and help you not panic or worry when test day arrives.  As the test date approaches, use this timeline to help you make sure you are using your time wisely and have put in the effort needed to […]

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Actively Reading Textbooks

 This is an active study strategy that millions have used to improve their comprehension and learning from text books. Survey Determine the structure, organization, or plan of the chapter. Think about the title. Read the introduction. Read the chapter summary. Read the main heads (Boldface type).  These are the main ideas. Question Have questions about what […]

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Two Red Flags to Watch During Homework

Homework time is an interesting time in the home of a child with ADD/ADHD.  As a parent, it is important to watch for these red flags during homework: Is she overwhelmed or overly tired? Are you getting frustrated with her? If so, it is time to stop and think!  First, understand that when a child […]

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Three Keys to Getting Organized for School

Unless his school has a specific system they use, help your child set up a notebook to organize all his papers.  Consider including the following items in his notebook: A monthly calendar to record planned activities and project due dates.  You can buy all sorts of calendars at office supply stores or you might want […]

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How are Study Skills like a Pizza Cutter?

Studying without a plan and without organization is like trying to eat a pizza that’s not cut.  It’s overwhelming!  Where do you start? It’s hard to know. Organization and study skills give your child the ability to break her studies down into small manageable steps just like a pizza cutter allows her to cut a […]

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Seven Steps to Synergize Your Child’s Education Plan

Stephen R. Covey says “synergy” happens when respectful people collaborate and produce creative solutions that are much better than any of them would have proposed individually. He goes on to say that when you get into synergistic communication, you understand basic underlying needs and interests of all involved and you can find solutions to satisfy […]

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Educational Rights for Public School Students with ADD / ADHD

In the United States, two federal laws provide for public school services or accommodations to eligible students: Special Education and Section 504.  Special Education  Children with ADHD may qualify under the special education category “Other Health Impairment” (OHI).  To receive services, the child must (1) have a diagnosis of ADHD and (2) demonstrate educational need that […]

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