Dealing with a Lazy, Impossible, Impulsive, Impatient Child or Student?

Have you ever thought these things about a struggling child or student? “He’s lazy!” She’s awfully impulsive and impatient!” “He’s hopelessly impossible!” This post will change your perspective.

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Thanks for Reading! 6,000 views during 2011!

The stats team prepared a 2011 annual report for this blog. Here’s an excerpt: A New York City subway train holds 1,200 people. This blog was viewed about 6,000 times in 2011. If it were a NYC subway train, it would take about 5 trips to carry that many people. Click here to see […]

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Why Teach Social Language?

Speaking and understanding social language is another key aspect of fitting in socially.  Many youngsters have trouble using the right words in the right way.  When they talk, they don’t sound very “cool” to the other kids.  Often because they don’t recognize social feedback, they don’t realize that the way they talk is creating problems […]

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Change, Change, Change

Change is hard!  Change is tremendously difficult because it typically involves an immediate conflict before seeing the benefits of long-term growth.  Some sages say the change results in conflict while others say conflict results in change.  Who is right?  Since I am such a “people pleaser” I suggest that both are correct! Besides, when I […]

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Become a Creative Strength Detective

 My daughter always insists she is right even when she is wrong. One day when she was between two and  three years old, we were driving to her preschool and we pulled up beside a bearded young man in a Jeep Cherokee.  He had his music up loud and he was singing along at the […]

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Your Child’s Self Esteem

Self-esteem includes all feelings and thoughts a child has about his or her abilities and worth.  Often, children base their self-esteem on their successes or failures. Children tend to compare their skills with the abilities of others. Their feelings about themselves are also based on family, teacher, and peer expectations. Self-esteem plays an important role […]

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The Flexiture Attitude

Flexible Structure is an attitude that can change how you see your child and how you help your child reach her fullest potential.   It is an attitude that involves celebrating little successes each day.  When your ADHD toddler finally focuses long enough to actually potty on the potty, have a party!  Celebrate your nine-year-old finally […]

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Natural and Logical Consequences

The purpose of using natural and logical consequences is to help your child make responsible decisions, rather than to force submission. This method allows your child to choose and then to be accountable for his decision. When allowed to make their own decisions, most children learn from the consequences. Parents can use these opportunities to […]

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