ADHD: One of the Most Researched and Most Misunderstood Diagnoses

Internationally recognized expert on ADHD, Russell A. Barkley, Ph.D. says most of the confusion about this diagnosis occurs because the terms “attention deficit” and “hyperactivity” describe only the surface features of this challenge: these are just the tip of the iceberg: the symptoms are much broader and deeper than this.  Dr. Barkley goes on to […]

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Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity are Just the Tip of the ADHD Iceberg!

To better understand the challenges caused by ADHD, families and teachers should first understand how the three primary aspects of attention (Inattention, Hyperactivity and Impulsivity) interact with each other.  But don’t stop there to see and understand the whole iceberg, you need to read chapters two and three. Inattention It sounds as if the child with […]

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Girls with ADD/ADHD: There is a Difference

During the past decade, the National Center for Gender Issues and ADHD started researching the similarities and differences in the symptoms of ADHD in girls when compared to boys. Surprisingly, the differences actually outnumber the similarities. As the parent of a daughter with ADHD, Dr. Davenport truly understands the unique symptoms and needs of girls with attention challenges.

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Executive…What? These Functional Abilities Shed Light on Daily ADHD Challenges!

The executive functions are a set of skills that help us manage our time, energy, talents, and resources in order to achieve a goal. Children, teens, and adults who have ADD/ADHD, bipolar disorder, anxiety disorders, mood disorders, Asperger’s disorder, and related challenges often struggle with poor executive skills.

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