Dr. Davenport’s Presentation Noted in Frostig Center Newsletter

The Frostig Center is internationally recognized for their ground-breaking research on self-esteem and success in children and adults with learning disorders.  They included an article and link to Dr. Davenport’s recent presentation on self-esteem in their most recent newsletter.  See it here: Frostig Center Spring 2010 Newsletter

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Model Good Problem Solving

In junior high or high school science we were all taught these steps in problem solving.  Some of us still don’t consistently apply it. • Identify the Problem • Identify Possible Causes • Identify Possible Solutions • Identify the Best Solution. • Set Specific Goals to Solve Problems. Children learn by example: how YOU react […]

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Change, Change, Change

Change is hard!  Change is tremendously difficult because it typically involves an immediate conflict before seeing the benefits of long-term growth.  Some sages say the change results in conflict while others say conflict results in change.  Who is right?  Since I am such a “people pleaser” I suggest that both are correct! Besides, when I […]

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Two Questions and Two Tools

All parents should ask ourselves these two questions: What does my child hear or see when I make a mistake? What does my child hear or see when he makes a mistake? Based on our answers to these two questions, you and I need to figure out how we can become better models of learning from […]

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The ABCs of “Self-talk”

“Self-talk” is what a child or teen thinks to himself when he is faced with something difficult.  A child with learning or attention problems often experiences negative self-talk about challenging tasks at school: “I’m stupid.” “I’m a bad kid because I do and say things without thinking.” “I’ll never get it!” The GOOD NEWS is […]

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Become a Creative Strength Detective

 My daughter always insists she is right even when she is wrong. One day when she was between two and  three years old, we were driving to her preschool and we pulled up beside a bearded young man in a Jeep Cherokee.  He had his music up loud and he was singing along at the […]

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Identify and Emphasize Your Child’s Talents

Work with your child to make a list of ways she has used her talents in the past.  Make a poster of accomplishments or a “wall of fame.” Find a prominent place to display your child’s trophies and awards. Identify ways your child has contributes to others around him.  What does he do that is […]

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Identify Role Models with Learning and Attention Challenges

 Identify good role models who have faced similar difficulties, and used their talents and creativity to achieve notable accomplishments. Start with people your child knows: Parents Grandparents Aunts and Uncles Successful family friends Teachers  There are many famous individuals with learning and attention challenges who have achieved great things.  Use this reference to find information about […]

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Your Child’s Self Esteem

Self-esteem includes all feelings and thoughts a child has about his or her abilities and worth.  Often, children base their self-esteem on their successes or failures. Children tend to compare their skills with the abilities of others. Their feelings about themselves are also based on family, teacher, and peer expectations. Self-esteem plays an important role […]

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