Seven Steps to Synergize Your Child’s Education Plan

Stephen R. Covey says “synergy” happens when respectful people collaborate and produce creative solutions that are much better than any of them would have proposed individually. He goes on to say that when you get into synergistic communication, you understand basic underlying needs and interests of all involved and you can find solutions to satisfy […]

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Educational Rights for Public School Students with ADD / ADHD

In the United States, two federal laws provide for public school services or accommodations to eligible students: Special Education and Section 504.  Special Education  Children with ADHD may qualify under the special education category “Other Health Impairment” (OHI).  To receive services, the child must (1) have a diagnosis of ADHD and (2) demonstrate educational need that […]

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Two Thoughts about “Labels”

Recently, I’ve talked with a number of folks who say they don’t like “labeling” children.  I agree with their concern: I have seen far too many people misuse and abuse “labels.”  Here are my two thoughts about this: 1. We should NEVER label a child!  All kids tend to generalize their challenges to who they […]

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Tips for Dealing with Transitions at School

It is important that your child’s educators are aware of the struggles she has during transitions and non-structured situations.   If they are aware, teachers can positively cue and target transition activities when your child needs extra support and assistance to be successful. Suggestions for transitions at home can easily be adapted for school. If your child struggles […]

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