Time Out!

Time out gets a “bad rap” largely because it is misused for every form of disobedience under the sun.  Here, time out is designed to be only one part of the process previously described in economics 101 and 201 and should not be “over-used.”   Here’s the rule of thumb: If your child is throwing a temper-tantrum and needs to […]

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How Can I Help My Child with Problem Behaviors?

Parents are encouraged to remember that most impulsive, over-active, and inattentive behaviors seen in children with attention problems are not intentional.  They did not cause the chemical reaction in their brain that caused the behavior, but over time, they can learn to control it.  With that in mind, it is important to assist children in managing the effects […]

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Help! His Hyperactivity Decreased But So Did His Self-Esteem

Parents often report that their child’s hyperactivity decreases during the teenage years.  Unfortunately, they also report a decrease in self-esteem during this time due to the many years of struggling and the increased demands for strong executive skills their teen has not yet developed. Self-esteem includes all feelings and thoughts a child has about his or […]

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Your Child’s Temper Getting the Best of You?

Because of the amount of stress some of children are under just to survive in the classroom, their tempers often get the best of them quickly.  Any little thing may seem to upset them.  Their tempers may be like a time bomb, primed to go off; just a single look or word could trigger an explosion.  […]

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Help your Child Deal with Disagreements

Children should understand disagreements are to be expected among friends.  People cannot be expected to be the same in their thinking and actions, and so we all disagree at times.  Knowing how to react to those disagreements is the key to keeping a friendship intact.  Some children must be taught that getting angry, yelling, or […]

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abcDE spells…

Once you have identified the ABCs of your child’s feelings, then you can teach him how to: DISPUTE  Negative Beliefs And ENERGIZE  Expectations! Disputing negative beliefs involves looking for false evidence that appears real. I suggest kids think about what they would do if someone else said something bad about them.  Even kids with low self […]

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The ABCs of “Self-talk”

“Self-talk” is what a child or teen thinks to himself when he is faced with something difficult.  A child with learning or attention problems often experiences negative self-talk about challenging tasks at school: “I’m stupid.” “I’m a bad kid because I do and say things without thinking.” “I’ll never get it!” The GOOD NEWS is […]

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