Dealing with a Lazy, Impossible, Impulsive, Impatient Child or Student?

Have you ever thought these things about a struggling child or student? “He’s lazy!” She’s awfully impulsive and impatient!” “He’s hopelessly impossible!” This post will change your perspective.

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Executive…What? These Skills Shed Light on Daily ADHD Challenges! (Revised)

During the past decade, brain researchers have identified a set of abilities that help us manage our time, energy, resources, and talents: these skills are called executive functions (EF).  The good news is that weaknesses in these executive skills can be addressed!  Read on to learn more.   Earlier this month (May 2012), internationally known ADHD […]

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Why Does My Child Struggle?: A Wise Way to Change Your “Why’s” into “What’s”

Parents of children with attention challenges often want to know why… “Why is my four-year old son the one who always throws a tantrum when its time to leave the party?” “Why is my ten-year old son constantly in the principal’s office for being the class-clown?” “Why has my fourteen year old run away from home?” “Why […]

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Consistent Inconsistency and Flexible Structuring

“Consistent inconsistency” is one of the hallmark features of ADHD that very few people talk about.  The most consistent thing about the child or adult with attention challenges is that we are inconsistent.  Day-to-day, hour to hour, we can be highly unpredictable.  Sometimes, if we are dealing with something that involves our passion in life, […]

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Flexiture Empowers!

“Flexiture” is a unique combination of flexibility and structure that empowers parents and teachers to solve big and small problems faced by their children and students who struggle with poor executive functions because of ADD/ADHD, bipolar disorder, anxiety disorders, depression, and related challenges.

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Where Did this New-fangled Idea Come From?: The Origins of Flexiture

Flexiture is not a new a concept:  God invented flexible structure when he took a little dust and a lot of creativity to form the first man and woman.  In the human body, our bones form the underlying “structure,” and our muscles, cartilage and skin supply flexibility.  Without the structure of our bones, we would […]

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My “Living a Better Story” Story

Many of you have asked what motivated me to quit my well-paying job with great benefits to start my own private counseling practice in this economy…It’s not really what but who…Don Miller.  About a year ago, I read A Million Miles in a Thousand Years: it’s a great book about how many of us are not living the life (story) […]

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Dealing with an Impossible and Impulsive Child or Student?

Now it’s up to you to apply the concepts and suggestions outlined here!  As I close, I ask that you consider your impossible and impulsive children and students in a new light. Have you ever thought these things about a struggling child or student?  “He’s lazy!” “She’s awfully impulsive and impatient!”  “He’s hopelessly impossible!”  I […]

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Two Ways to Address Your ADD/ADHD Child’s Learning Struggles

 The child with attention difficulties benefits most from an education plan that addresses two specific needs: (1) Structuring aimed at helping her build her own internal structured approach to problem solving.  (2) Flexibility of accommodations for the specific weaknesses associated with the individual child’s attention difficulties. Structuring  Children with attention difficulties benefit greatly from explicit instruction […]

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12 Writing and ‘Rithmetic Struggles Common to ADD and ADHD

 Children with attention challenges often struggle with multi-faceted and multiple step learning tasks because of trouble consistently managing themselves and their resources in order to achieve goals and solve problems.   The written expression challenges common to children with ADD/ADHD include:  Handwriting quality is inconsistent due to quick work. Spelling errors are mostly phonetic (spell words the […]

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What’s the Difference Between a Learning Disorder and ADHD?

I’m often asked, “What is the difference between the learning difficulties seen in a child with an attention disorder and those seen in a child with a specific learning disorder like dyslexia?” This is a tough question because the learning challenges brought on by an attention disorder can often seem to be the same as […]

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Final Thoughts about Social Skills

Becoming a socialized individual is a complex process. It is especially difficult for those with learning and attention difficulties.  Only the “medicine” of caring and responsible parents and teachers can transform lonely or unsocialized youngsters into involved, self-assured adults.  Teachers and parents are encouraged to go beyond the three R’s to help children overcome their […]

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