Executive…What? These Functional Abilities Shed Light on Daily ADHD Challenges!

The executive functions are a set of skills that help us manage our time, energy, talents, and resources in order to achieve a goal. Children, teens, and adults who have ADD/ADHD, bipolar disorder, anxiety disorders, mood disorders, Asperger’s disorder, and related challenges often struggle with poor executive skills.

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Flexiture Empowers!

“Flexiture” is a unique combination of flexibility and structure that empowers parents and teachers to solve big and small problems faced by their children and students who struggle with poor executive functions because of ADD/ADHD, bipolar disorder, anxiety disorders, depression, and related challenges.

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Two Red Flags to Watch During Homework

Homework time is an interesting time in the home of a child with ADD/ADHD.  As a parent, it is important to watch for these red flags during homework: Is she overwhelmed or overly tired? Are you getting frustrated with her? If so, it is time to stop and think!  First, understand that when a child […]

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How are Study Skills like a Pizza Cutter?

Studying without a plan and without organization is like trying to eat a pizza that’s not cut.  It’s overwhelming!  Where do you start? It’s hard to know. Organization and study skills give your child the ability to break her studies down into small manageable steps just like a pizza cutter allows her to cut a […]

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Two Ways to Address Your ADD/ADHD Child’s Learning Struggles

 The child with attention difficulties benefits most from an education plan that addresses two specific needs: (1) Structuring aimed at helping her build her own internal structured approach to problem solving.  (2) Flexibility of accommodations for the specific weaknesses associated with the individual child’s attention difficulties. Structuring  Children with attention difficulties benefit greatly from explicit instruction […]

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