Don’t Quit Poem Movie

 If I had to guess, I would bet you are facing your fair share of challenges and obstacles in your life… I know I am. When things go wrong, and they sometimes will… how will you choose to respond? That is what this short movie is all about. Be inspired by these words of wisdom […]

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What does Soccer have to do with Achieving Goals?

The object of soccer is to move the ball into your opponent’s goal.  Your opponent does not want you to do this and will make every effort to prevent you from scoring.  In order to score, you must get the goal between the goal posts.  The team scoring the most goals at the end of […]

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WANTED!: A Full and Rewarding Life

In the old West, when someone was wanted, they put his picture, details about him, and details about the reward for finding him on a “Wanted Poster.”  Using her goals, you and your child can make a different kind of “Wanted Poster.” Get a large poster board and write “WANTED” at the top. Find pictures, […]

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Goal Setting 102: Clarifying Goals

Once your child has identified what she wants to achieve, it is time to sort out the realistic goals from the rest.  Have her answer these questions from her list of “wants.” Is it really my goal or is this goal what someone else wants me to achieve? Is it fair to everyone else? Is […]

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Goal Setting 101: Identifying What You Want in Life

Oftentimes, children (and adults) fail to achieve their goals because their goals are unclear and unrealistic.  By thinking about her talents and those abilities she wants to develop, your child can better clarify her goals.  The first step in identifying realistic goals involves making a list of what she wants to do with her talents […]

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Solving Problems through Setting and Achieving Goals

I love what the dyslexic and ADHD genius Thomas Edison said when asked by a reporter how it felt to have failed 10,000 times at developing the light bulb.  Edison calmly replied, “Well, so far, I’ve found 10,000 ways it doesn’t work.”  On October 22, 1879, he experienced success: a light bulb that lasted 40 […]

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