Active Learning and Problem Solving: How Can I Get Her to Turn in Her Homework?

Studying without a plan and without organization is like trying to eat a pizza that’s not cut.  It’s overwhelming!  Where do you start? It’s hard to know. Organization and study skills give your child the ability to break her studies down into small manageable steps just like a pizza cutter allows her to cut a […]

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Nine ways to Encourage and Empower Your Child during Homework

Try these suggestions to encourage your child in the organization of study skills. Respect the challenges that your ADD/ADHD child may have, but do not use her struggles as an excuse. Value your child as a unique person.  Remember that his worth is NOT equal to his grades.  A child who struggles to complete 50 math […]

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Four Structured Steps to Planning Better Paragraphs

Once your child can write variety of sentences, you can start to help her learn how to plan paragraphs by organizing ideas into a logical sequence.  By providing a structured, step-by-step approach to this task, you help your child stay focused on the task at hand. First, generate ideas by making a list.  Ideas for […]

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