It’s Memorial Day Weekend Eve: Do You Know What Your Kids are Reading This Summer?

Its Memorial Day weekend eve, and millions of parents across the nation are asking this question, “What can I do to help my child this summer?”  My first response is “Give the kid a break!”, but most of the parents who ask this question don’t want to hear that answer, and the research is pretty clear […]

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Best Tools to Improve Your Child’s Reading Fluency and Comprehension

As outlined in an earlier post, children with ADD/ADHD often struggle with reading fluency and reading comprehension.   If your child with attention challenges struggles with hesitant, choppy, or uneven reading fluency, consider downloading the University of Texas Center for Reading and Language Arts (UTCRLA) Fluency Instruction Guides for either elementary or middle school students. To […]

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Two Ways to Address Your ADD/ADHD Child’s Learning Struggles

 The child with attention difficulties benefits most from an education plan that addresses two specific needs: (1) Structuring aimed at helping her build her own internal structured approach to problem solving.  (2) Flexibility of accommodations for the specific weaknesses associated with the individual child’s attention difficulties. Structuring  Children with attention difficulties benefit greatly from explicit instruction […]

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12 Writing and ‘Rithmetic Struggles Common to ADD and ADHD

 Children with attention challenges often struggle with multi-faceted and multiple step learning tasks because of trouble consistently managing themselves and their resources in order to achieve goals and solve problems.   The written expression challenges common to children with ADD/ADHD include:  Handwriting quality is inconsistent due to quick work. Spelling errors are mostly phonetic (spell words the […]

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What’s the Difference Between a Learning Disorder and ADHD?

I’m often asked, “What is the difference between the learning difficulties seen in a child with an attention disorder and those seen in a child with a specific learning disorder like dyslexia?” This is a tough question because the learning challenges brought on by an attention disorder can often seem to be the same as […]

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