Applying Flexiture: Clean Your Room!

I often hear, “My child struggles to clean up her room without getting distracted.”  Here are some thoughts. First, understand that the simple statement “clean up your room” involves not so simple multiple multiple-steps and can be overwhelming to a child with attention challenges: it is like trying to eat an uncut extra-large supreme pizza: […]

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Ten Tips for a Good Home Study Environment

The home study environment can make or break homework time.  Consider these ideas parents and teachers have shared with me over the years:  Just like your parents told you when you were a kid, “Good lighting is important!” In most cases, the bed is a not a good place to study. If possible your child […]

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Three Keys to Getting Organized for School

Unless his school has a specific system they use, help your child set up a notebook to organize all his papers.  Consider including the following items in his notebook: A monthly calendar to record planned activities and project due dates.  You can buy all sorts of calendars at office supply stores or you might want […]

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How are Study Skills like a Pizza Cutter?

Studying without a plan and without organization is like trying to eat a pizza that’s not cut.  It’s overwhelming!  Where do you start? It’s hard to know. Organization and study skills give your child the ability to break her studies down into small manageable steps just like a pizza cutter allows her to cut a […]

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