ECONOMICS 201: Six Steps to Reducing Unacceptable Behavior!

This procedure should be undertaken only AFTER your child has successfully built up a sizable bank of tickets using ECONOMICS 101 outlined in the previous post.  First, make a short list of unacceptable behaviors your child often gets in trouble for. Not completing chores, responsibilities Lying Arguing Swearing Violations of Household Rules Next, decide how much […]

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For some children and tweens, natural and logical consequences are not sufficient motivators for them to do chores, follow rules, and obey commands. They typically need an immediate tangible reinforcement in order to follow through to successfully complete assigned tasks.       1. Buy a roll of movie tickets at Walmart or Target.  2. Make a list of […]

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STOP-THINK-GO for Impulsivity

Think about the situations you outlined as a result of the previous post about the Cause/Effect of Impulsivity. Teach your child how to STOP before acting on impulse using these suggestions. Agree to a “key-word” or phrase you can use to STOP your child. “The funnier the better.  Stop!” does not work no matter how […]

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Identifying Impulsivity Cause/Effect

Next, it is important to try to identify the situations that lead to your child’s impulsive acting before thinking.  For younger children, you may need to keep an impulsivity log at home and you may need to ask his teacher for input about the situations that most often lead to impulsive actions that result in problems […]

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Impulsivity & Self-Awareness

To help your child or teen with impulsivity, it is first important for her to know that all humans have impulses; however, it is imperative that she knows that learning to control her impulses is a necessity in order to avoid a whole list of possible predicaments including losing friends, serving time in detention, serving […]

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Helping Your Child with Impulsivity (Part 1)

Impulsivity involves acting before thinking and is the most misunderstood and most difficult ADHD difficulty to correct. Internationally recognized ADHD expert, Russell Barkley, Ph.D. has argued that response inhibition or impulsivity is the true core deficit in an attention deficit, and he goes on to say that when they named ADHD, they should have called it […]

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How Can I Help My Child with Problem Behaviors?

Parents are encouraged to remember that most impulsive, over-active, and inattentive behaviors seen in children with attention problems are not intentional.  They did not cause the chemical reaction in their brain that caused the behavior, but over time, they can learn to control it.  With that in mind, it is important to assist children in managing the effects […]

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Your Child’s Temper Getting the Best of You?

Because of the amount of stress some of children are under just to survive in the classroom, their tempers often get the best of them quickly.  Any little thing may seem to upset them.  Their tempers may be like a time bomb, primed to go off; just a single look or word could trigger an explosion.  […]

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Why Timing is Everything: Impulsiveness and Perseveration

Acting before they think is a common trait of youngsters with attention problems.  This causes them to speak out of turn in the classroom and makes it hard for them to stick to activities — such as games or sports — for more than a few minutes.  They may get bored and leave the Monopoly board […]

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