My “Living a Better Story” Story

Many of you have asked what motivated me to quit my well-paying job with great benefits to start my own private counseling practice in this economy…It’s not really what but who…Don Miller.  About a year ago, I read A Million Miles in a Thousand Years: it’s a great book about how many of us are not living the life (story) […]

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Model Good Problem Solving

In junior high or high school science we were all taught these steps in problem solving.  Some of us still don’t consistently apply it. • Identify the Problem • Identify Possible Causes • Identify Possible Solutions • Identify the Best Solution. • Set Specific Goals to Solve Problems. Children learn by example: how YOU react […]

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Change, Change, Change

Change is hard!  Change is tremendously difficult because it typically involves an immediate conflict before seeing the benefits of long-term growth.  Some sages say the change results in conflict while others say conflict results in change.  Who is right?  Since I am such a “people pleaser” I suggest that both are correct! Besides, when I […]

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A Step-wise Approach to Using Natural and Logical Consequences

Families often ask, “So, how do natural and logical consequences work in real-time?” Here’s a step-by-step example: 1. Consequences are proposed. When you have finished mowing the lawn, then you may go swimming. (Make sure swimming is something the teenager wants to do.) 2. You accept the child’s decision, follow through with consequences, and give […]

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Punishment vs. Natural and Logical Consequences

Families often ask, “What’s the difference between punishment and discipline using natural and logical consequences.” A few examples follow. Punishment expresses the parent’s authority. Logical consequences express choice. Example: TV blaring early Saturday. Punishment: Turn off the TV right now or you’re grounded from TV! Logical: Allison, I realize you enjoy watching TV early on […]

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Principles for Using Natural and Logical Consequences

I wish I could take credit for inventing natural and logical consequences. This parenting tool has been around a lot longer than I have, but I have seen its miraculous impact on families. Here are some key principles for making it work for you. Set your child up for success.  Before using natural and logical […]

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