Self-Disclosure Builds Friendships

Children need to know that self-disclosure makes friendships grow. Trying to achieve closeness without revealing something about themselves is like trying to hit a home run with a toothpick. They don’t have what it takes.

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Model Good Problem Solving

In junior high or high school science we were all taught these steps in problem solving.  Some of us still don’t consistently apply it. • Identify the Problem • Identify Possible Causes • Identify Possible Solutions • Identify the Best Solution. • Set Specific Goals to Solve Problems. Children learn by example: how YOU react […]

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Two Questions and Two Tools

All parents should ask ourselves these two questions: What does my child hear or see when I make a mistake? What does my child hear or see when he makes a mistake? Based on our answers to these two questions, you and I need to figure out how we can become better models of learning from […]

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Your Child’s Self Esteem

Self-esteem includes all feelings and thoughts a child has about his or her abilities and worth.  Often, children base their self-esteem on their successes or failures. Children tend to compare their skills with the abilities of others. Their feelings about themselves are also based on family, teacher, and peer expectations. Self-esteem plays an important role […]

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