Active Test Taking Strategies

After spending all that time studying for your exams, its important to actively take them so you can show what you know. Always arrive early and take a moment to relax and reduce your anxiety. Listen attentively to last minute instructions given by the instructor. Teachers often make last minute changes. Missing instruction causes extreme anxiety. Take […]

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Eight Tips for Answering Multiple Choice Test Questions

On multiple choice questions, you are supposed to select the “best” choice among a set of four options. (1)  Understand Multiple Choice Questions Multiple choice questions are incomplete statements that you finish by choosing one of four answers. StemThe wallsof granite around the lakes in Iowa were formed by: Options:      a.       American Indians b.       three […]

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Eleven Keys to Answering to Essay Questions

Essay questions require a clear and complete answer followed by concise supporting statements.  Some students struggle to provide a clear answer while others fail to give enough support for their answer.  To avoid these pitfalls, try these suggestions. Understand the Question.  It is important to know exactly what the teacher wants: read carefully so you can […]

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Five Tips for Answering True-False Test Questions

These five tips for answering true-false questions are easy to learn and implement. (1) Understand True-False Questions A true-false question is a statement that states some facts about a person, place, or thing.  Few true-false questions are written simply: they often include “traps” so read carefully! (2) Watch out for Qualifiers Qualifiers are words that […]

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A Flexiture Final Draft Checklist

 Students with attention challenges often fail to check their final drafts to make sure they have used proper punctuation, spelling, grammar, and contextual conventions.  This checklist is designed to help your student complete this often boring and monotonous task. Have your student check off each item listed below as she prepares her final draft.   ___ I have […]

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Five Structured Steps to Better Reports

Students with attention challenges struggle to complete the multiple step multifaceted task of report writing.    They often say they don’t know where to start and then they can’t remember what to do next.  Teaching the following five steps helps your student develop her own internal structure for written expression. Step 1: Before Writing the Report or […]

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Solving Problems through Setting and Achieving Goals

I love what the dyslexic and ADHD genius Thomas Edison said when asked by a reporter how it felt to have failed 10,000 times at developing the light bulb.  Edison calmly replied, “Well, so far, I’ve found 10,000 ways it doesn’t work.”  On October 22, 1879, he experienced success: a light bulb that lasted 40 […]

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Flexiture in Action: Modeling Structured Problem Solving

Here’s an example of modeling the problem solving process to your child.  1. Identify the Problem State the problem in a factual way and simplify if necessary. I forgot to mail the electric bill again this month. 2. Identify possible causes of the problem  Identify a maximum of 5 possible causes.  If possible, identify a primary […]

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