Flexible Structuring for Written Expression

Children with attention and executive skill challenges often have these written expression difficulties:  Spelling errors are mostly phonetic “Over-applies” spelling rules recently learned Transition words are used rarely or inconsistently. Verb tense and noun tense is inconsistent. May use few or incorrect modifiers Poor organization limits expression of creative ideas Children with attention challenges benefit […]

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An Easy Way to Improve Active Reading

It’s amazing how many kids are totally clueless about the different parts of the textbooks they use on a daily basis.   Teaching your child this information is fairly easy and it helps her become an active reader.  Introduce her to these important parts of her textbooks: Introduction – The introduction tells you how to use […]

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Active Listening: Practice, Practice, and Practice

Practice these steps to help your child develop active listening: Paraphrasing Parents can demonstrate this skill to their child.  Teachers can teach this skill with two students.  Have one person tell about his or her day, then have another person state in their own words what they think the speaker just said.  The speaker then decides […]

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Active Listening: Practice, Practice, and Practice Some More

The second key to good conversation is active listening. Your child may need to be taught that an active listener looks at the person speaking and feeds back what has been said in his words and actions to let the speaker know he’s been understood.  This gives the speaker the reassurance he was listened to, and promotes […]

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