Six Steps to Complete Projects & Papers

Kids often struggle to complete projects: they often wait until the last-minute then come to mom or dad and say, “I just remembered I need to complete and turn in a project about “global cooling” tomorrow.  Can you help me?”  To avoid late nights and help your child complete projects on time, teach them these […]

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Five Thoughts about Cramming (PG*)

 *Parental Guidance is suggested: You know best what to share with your child. Older students often procrastinate and then cram at the last-minute.  As a result, very little learning takes place.   Although cramming is never a good strategy, and I’m sure none of your children would ever do this, I’m told it happens. Here are […]

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An Active Test Prep Plan

Active test preparation is important to help not only raise your grades but also raise your confidence and help you not panic or worry when test day arrives.  As the test date approaches, use this timeline to help you make sure you are using your time wisely and have put in the effort needed to […]

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How are Study Skills like a Pizza Cutter?

Studying without a plan and without organization is like trying to eat a pizza that’s not cut.  It’s overwhelming!  Where do you start? It’s hard to know. Organization and study skills give your child the ability to break her studies down into small manageable steps just like a pizza cutter allows her to cut a […]

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Five Structured Steps to Better Reports

Students with attention challenges struggle to complete the multiple step multifaceted task of report writing.    They often say they don’t know where to start and then they can’t remember what to do next.  Teaching the following five steps helps your student develop her own internal structure for written expression. Step 1: Before Writing the Report or […]

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Flexibility in Writing Essays and Reports

Parents and teachers often say that children with attention challenges struggle to complete written reports and essays.  Students often say they don’t know where to start.  Flexible structuring can help.  First, a number of accommodations can help when students with ADHD prepare written essays and reports.  Allow the use of technology to assist in preparing […]

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